Addition Instead of Restriction

There has been so many diets and too many of "eat this, not that!" within the health & wellness industry. However, this has made things so problematic because now you're confused.

Restrictive Diets DO NOT Work

There has been so many diets and too many of "eat this, not that!" within the health & wellness industry. However, this has made things so problematic because now you're confused. Your mind is probably thinking 'you got to cut out carbs in your diet', 'too much fat is bad', 'too much red meat is bad for your health', or 'eating a ton of seafood can increase your mercury intake', the list goes on and on and on...

It's exhausting to hear and I bet many of your friends are so numb to these theories that they tend for whatever is convenient and quick such as "fast food" and overlook what they're really doing to their bodies in the long run.

So to simply simplify and reset your influence,

how I like to approach my diet is 1) how do these foods that I'm consuming serve me and 2) how can I get access to the most natural products possible and for the low! (shit ain't cheap out here in Cali)

How Does The Food That I Eat Serve Me?

So for within the past few years or so, I've shifted from eating mainly lean meats that included some sort of poultry, such as chicken or turkey, as my main protein source for meals and I hardly ate vegetables in every meal (yes, I am human and fall short of things from time to time). Then I watched shows like "You Are What You Eat: A Twin Experiment" on Netflix and other similar documentaries that addressed where the chicken and meats that I buy from are raised and how they were treated before being sold.

This stuff was eye opening to me and because of these shows, it shifted my consumption of regular meats lessened to where I was now consuming Impossible Meat for the next 6-8 months.

Now, you're probably thinking that this should be a healthier alternative but sadly, it wasn't. If you've ever heard of processed foods or even ultra-processed foods and how much change these foods undergo through these processes, it makes our natural bodies' processes messed up (please watch these documentaries because that's where some of this information is coming from).

To come back to the question on how my current foods that I eat serve me, my take is to

  1. See how I'm feeling thru my day to day
  2. Address my sleep from my smart phone (i.e., smart watches, smart rings)
  3. Track my activity (workouts, cardiorespiratory, steps, etc.)
  4. Track my hydration
  5. Have annual check ups with my doctor

And if any of these fluctuate, I try to look over what my foods consist of. We eat for energy, for sustenance, to grow and evolve, to do things for others, and to share ideas & culture. It really all comes down to that and if you disagree, then you got to read up and research on these things.

How Can I Get Access To The Most Natural Food Products Possible AND for the Low?

It's really good to invest in quality products, especially in your food! Your body is your temple and the stuff you put into it can really affect the way you feel, whether you're aware of it or not. But to address this question, the groceries that we purchase doesn't necessarily have to come from Whole Foods nor Erewhon. You'd be surprised of what you can make into a quality meal from the right products than can be sold at your nearest grocery store.

Actions that I take before going to the supermarket for groceries:

  • Make a groceries list before I leave the house. This can help me see what I'm buying without actually going to the store. I can see what my list consists of; if there is not enough vegetables, fruits, dairy, or meats that's going to be in my cart or if there's too much of snacks that don't suit my needs to perform well in my day to day activities.
  • Look through your pantry and fridge. You may see what you have and what's more important is that you may also see what you're missing.
  • Research recipes that fit your diet. It can be boring when the food becomes the same every lunch meal or dinner meal. Switch it up and be open-minded to new recipes! This is where you can try figure out how your current foods can be prepared and made in various ways or better yet, try a different culture of foods! Trust, you may be missing out on foods that may be your next fav.

Then once you get there, your main goal is to:

Turn over to the nutritional label and read the ingredients! The more natural, the better. If your doctor has told you to limit stuff, then that's where limits can be placed and that's where you can regulate what you can put into your body and better yet, add more of the stuff that your body is deficient in. Since your focus is adding more than cutting out, eventually your diet won't have space for the things that you're technically trying to cut out. It's more of a psychological approach and training your brain in a more positive response rather than a negative one.

Here's a quick guide on how to read nutrition labels!

Addition Instead of Restriction

By now, this is just to get you to understand and approach how a proper diet can be without getting all flustered on all these fad diets. Many people have lived without these trendy diets and it all comes down to how we, as individuals, can take of our own bodies;

to know what's best for ourselves for the long haul.


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