Breaking Plateaus by Optimizing Intensity

Do you believe that the intensity of your exercises are optimal?

Forget training and put yourself in another situation. Imagine if you were to finish a race at the last 10 seconds of trying to beat your lifetime personal record. Do you walk to the finish line or sprint like you're about to sh*t your pants? The answer is pretty obvious.

The same should be applied to your workouts.

I'm not suggesting to tire yourself out each exercise but I like to approach getting into an exercise on how I address it to my clients; base it off your " RPE " aka 'Rates of Perceived Exertion' aka 'Intensity'. You can think of it on a scale from 1-10 (1 - light work, 10 - aw hell nah, this hard) so usual optimal level would be on the scale of 7-8 RPE.

This could suggest that your reps may need to be increased, the weight needs to be more challenging, or the tempo (velocity) of your reps need to change. As I mention the variations of training, there are several ways to reach that optimal level. I guarantee you that your results will starts to show again but it all comes back to your goals. If you don't set the right goals for your training, you won't get the results you want unless they're specific and realistic.

For the athletes who are undergoing a plateau phase, you need to change it up!

Since I've been returning back into dancing and to understand what the current demands that dancers deal with, I've shifted my workouts to cater to that activity.

This has made training more interesting because I took a long hiatus from dance since 2019 before COVID.

Coming back into it, it feels like I never took 4+ years of a break and my body recovers much quicker than it used to!


Since this shift in a higher intensity the past two months within training (depending on the volume of my workouts per week), my results within my power output, neuromuscular adaptations, range of motion, and physical preparedness have improved tremendously and better yet, my effort and performance in dance classes seem more effortless.

If you aren't seeing results as of lately, ask yourself this;

When's the last time you changed your training regimen?

Have your goals changed?

Do you know what next steps to take if you have changed your goals or if you are planning to shift into a specific training regimen?

Send me a direct message/email if you're having trouble and I'll be glad to guide you in the right direction.

Playlists Made For You

These can be songs that get you fired up or songs that just get you in the right mood for training. Create the perfect playlist, invest in the best headphones, and blast it so you can unleash a whole other version of you.

Growth Mindset > Fixed Mindset

Remember, your mindset plays a critical role in how you perform in anything. If you think that you're not able to do something, you are already building up doubt and the predisposition of failure. Believe in yourself and take action with a growth mindset. Consistently tell yourself and say it aloud;



Book a FREE consultation with Coach Tony to discuss fitness goals and to definitively plan what next steps to take in order for you to achieve them!