Choose The Harder Thing Instead
It's Friday afternoon during peak rush hour and you're stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic. Somehow there happens to be another lane that looks like open road and your impulsive thoughts take over for you to switch into it. Low and behold, it's the lane where most of the traffic is held up and now the cars behind you from the lane you originally came from are getting ahead of you.
You might be wondering why I'm talking about traffic when it's the last thing you ever want to think about. To put it into perspective, think of it pertaining to your current life right now. You think taking the shortcut would be ideal - the "easier route" - but little do you know that that shortcut isn't the best decision overall.
With this week's newsletter, I want to provide you insight of why choosing and doing the harder thing instead can actually make more progress than slow you down.

When Life Gives You Lemons
There's an importance as to why cliche quotes have stuck for years. It's because it's true!
The simplest forms of advice can come from experience.
We need to understand when life gives us lemons, we don't just want to juggle them or give them to someone else, or worse, do nothing with them at all. We need to understand what those lemon(s) are. Lemons, in their nature, are sour and sometimes you can even get really bad ones.
I hope at this point you know I'm not referring to lemons.
What I'm referring to are the challenges (aka lemons) of what life gives us.
We know that life itself can get a little hectic and that everyone will be confronted with their own challenge that has their name written all over it.
And that's for you to figure out what to do with those challenges.
To have them be solved, by you.
Because once you finally solve those challenges, now it becomes a lesson that you've learned. And if you're ever given that same challenge again, you already know how to go about it.

Making Lemonade
As a matter of fact, life will give you a ton of challenges at any given time and because you were able to deal with and see past challenges as an opportunity, your lemonade pitcher becomes more filled and life becomes a little sweeter.

I HATE the Idea of Starting a Run
At times, there would be those few days where I just don't want to go for a run when I originally planned to the day or week before. However, once I start and get into the run a little more, I start to feel good. I don't feel like stopping because why would I not finish what I started? And by the end of it, I feel even more accomplished because I did the hard thing of starting. I realized It wasn't the run itself that was hard, it was the idea of starting. Although I hate the idea, I still choose to do it.
So if you start whatever you need to start, whether that's you getting into running more, working out consistently, getting into a new hobby/sport, don't stop there.
Keep going and see how far you can go.
Then once you've reached a certain point, ask yourself
"What did I gain from this?"
You'd be surprised of what your answers come out to be.