Cracking the Code

Training has never been my strong suit and creating programs was never the greatest when I first started coaching in 2020 during COVID.

Cracking the Code

Training has never been my strong suit and creating programs was never the greatest when I first started coaching in 2020 during COVID. What's a crazy thought to me is that I've been working out ever since I was 13 years old. I was definitely on the other end of the spectrum where I hated how I looked, starved myself from foods that I thought were going to make me gain unwanted weight, overtrained by doing cardio for my workouts and staying in the gym for 2+ hours per day, and poorly recovering with low quality sleep and hydration.

This is now my 4th year being a coach and it has been 13+ years since. It's rewarding to say of how far I've come because now looks don't play a huge importance to me and my maturation in training got me feeling the healthiest, most disciplined, and most determined I've ever felt in my entire life.

Now you're wondering...

What's the secret, Coach Tony?

The way I started was that I failed and I failed a TON. However, this obviously didn't stop me from getting to where I am now today. I learned as I went and seeked out information from friends that were passionate about the same things I was, attended classes that helped me understand the human body and its capabilities from college, tried methods and programs that I believed that would get me results quicker and more efficiently, and more.

When I reflected on these things, the lessons that stuck out to me were:

  • Not giving up
  • Finding solutions to my problems and issues
  • Being curious & open-minded about new information that I learned
  • Reaching out to a community of like-minded individuals
  • Experimenting new approaches on my own
  • Personal experiences that I chose to undergo

There's so many things that have happened throughout the past 13 years but it has lead me in a much better place.


The Marathon Continues

Planning for the future has been something I've been continuing to build upon because I now know what next steps to take moving forward instead of going with the flow. I used to go with the flow but it just wasn't cutting it for me. Things change but it changed for the better.


Learn & Train with the Experts

It's important to not only know how you reach your current fitness goals but WHO would help with the right and proper approach. There are so many fitness pros and practitioners out there and you're wondering who would provide the most ideal and timely way to get you where you want to be.

You just have to take the first step and ask! Closed mouths don't get fed. Do your research with the gyms with coaches/trainers in the area and see who fits your needs the best.


Thank you to the people who have been showing up to the past runs and especially to this 3rd Sunday Service Community 5K Run. These have been so enjoyable for me and to be able to reconnect with past friends as well as making new ones are just the highlights of these runs. If you're looking to start and enjoy jogging/running and being outdoors, this is the perfect way to change up the scenery and running with people that share similar goals and vision as you.

Keep a lookout for the next one and give me suggestions on where I should do it next!


Book a FREE consultation with Coach Tony to discuss fitness goals and to definitively plan what next steps to take in order for you to achieve them!