Growing Pains

The truth & perspectives about aging from our current society

Can you believe it's June already? Time has been flying and I feel like the holidays was just a month ago. When we go through the motions, we never seem to notice how much we've grown or aged throughout the year until we look back at photos of us from way back when. People may start to realize that without exercising on a regular basis, eating right, and not taking care of our body as how we should, their body starts to ache and slowly their age starts to catch up to them. That brings up the question;

Are people afraid of aging & what are common things people think when growing older?

The Fear of Aging & Death

Recent studies suggests the reasons why people who are afraid of growing old are primarily from:

  • Declining health
  • Loneliness from losing loved ones from death

It's inevitable and eventually we would have to accept that soon our health will decline at a certain point in our life. Fortunately, to have it be in the most healthful way possible and to be less prone to disease is to exercise regularly, eat more of the right nutrients for what our bodies need and more importantly, do it with your loved ones.

Blue Zones: Living Proof of People Who Live to 100

Have you ever seen the Netlfix documentary "Live to 100: Secrets of The Blue Zones"? No? Well then what you should do now is grab a healthful snack, sit on a couch, and watch it because it's worth watching.

This 4-episode documentary has author Dan Buettner travel to these unique places around the world to what are known as Blue Zones. These so called Blue Zones are famous for having majority of their population to live closely or past 100 years. These places includes Japan and Sardinia and a few others that you'd be surprised are actually closer to you than you may think. How they live is something you have to watch and see for yourself.


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Netflix Trailer

My TAKEAWAYS from the Documentary

It's such a beauty to see how other communities live & more importantly, live well.

We necessarily don't have to look at growing old as a sad and melancholic thing but more to appreciate life every day and how to live it to the fullest. I know as cliche as it sounds but it's true!

Personally, I wouldn't want to be having back pain by 50 or 60, having to rely on walkers, or not doing things because I'm not able to. I also don't want to do things alone and I believe having your circle of people who share similar goals as well as elevate your life simultaneously is so crucial.


In a journal or Notes app,

Write out what things you can't live without. This could be materialistic or non-materialistic. Once you've written those down, decide if the things listed are considered good and fruitful or not something that will help you when you're in your 60s and up. By then, you should have a solid list of things that have got to be in the mix throughout your life. Also, decide if you need to add more to this list. Always ask yourself, will it benefit me in the long run or is it just a small dopamine hit that may feel good at one point in my life but not in another.


"53% Of U.S. Adults Don’t Fear Growing Old—Study Finds People Actually Fear Less As They Age"

"Aging-related fears and their associations with ideal life expectancy"


Book a FREE consultation with Coach Tony to discuss fitness goals and to definitively plan what next steps to take in order for you to achieve them!