How Are You Feeling Today?

"Treat others as how you want to be treated."

How Are You Feeling Today?

In recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month, I wanted to shed light on this topic because it is definitely a difficult one to talk about. You can never truly know if someone is going through something even when they have the biggest smile on their face every time you see them. That's why I live on the saying;

"Treat others as how you want to be treated."

Different Ways of Managing Our Mental Health

I think it's important to understand that everyone is unique and that there are many ways to manage our mental health. A lot of us are familiar with this concept and is the term called self care.

There are different forms of self care which can include exercising, meditation, going on outdoor walks, buying a favorite coffee, etc. The list goes on!

I recommend you to always treat yourself when it is needed. This is what it means to fill your cup first before filling other people's cup.

Disconnect to Reconnect

Sometimes taking a break from social media and spending time with people that care about you who give you more meaning in life may support your mental health. Additionally, surround yourself with people that consider your well being because those are the people that truly will understand you.


There's Nothing Wrong with Asking for Help

Lastly, seeking help is one of the best ways of talking about what you personally go through in the most professional and safest approach. Being able to discuss past traumas and experiences that bring us down with a licensed mental health professional may be of major support. However, I know it may be difficult for some people financially but what I've seen for myself who also looked into therapy, companies like "betterhelp" approach therapy at a more affordable rate than others.

Lastly, I know taking the first step is hard whenever you start anything new but you know it's a good first step in the right direction. You're not alone.

Attached below are some links to check out:

"Everyday Mental Health Tips"

"Mental Health Awareness Month"


Book a FREE consultation with Coach Tony to discuss fitness goals and to definitively plan what next steps to take in order for you to achieve them!