It's Time for Spring Cleaning!

It's Time for Spring Cleaning!

It's Time for Spring Cleaning

This week's topic is focused on readjusting and assessing what your current habits provide you. Habits - whether they are good or bad - are activities that help define the way we live. For example, if you drink coffee in the morning 7 days/week, you would be known as a coffee lover or in worse cases, if you smoke a vape throughout the day, you would be known as a smoker.

Sometimes when we are used to our routine, we lose sight and have good habits and bad habits intertwined within our day-to-day. So just like how we do spring cleaning for clothes that we don't wear anymore or things that are collecting dust in our home, it is best for us to toss them out and maybe even add things that may be of use now.

In a journal or a Notes app, jot down all of the activities that you typically do in a day (preferably a weekday since those days are more routine like than weekend days).

Once you have that list, mark the ones that are good and provide benefit into your routine, whether that be short term or long term benefit.

The ones that you didn't mark, those habits/activities need to be tossed or replaced.

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