Mirror Mirror on the Wall

Mirror Mirror on the Wall

Body Dysmorphia & How to Overcome It

I remember when I was a young teen, I dreaded being chubby. I was so embarrassed of how I looked because even on the hottest days of the year, I wore a long, hefty sweater to cover my belly fat. It was sooo draining to the point where I wanted to make a change in my diet and fitness. Being this with no knowledge of the gym and proper dieting, I went down a path where I started starving myself. Realizing it now, it was one of my lowest points as a teenager.

Fortunately, this was also a turning point in my life to where I chose my path into studying Kinesiology and working in the fitness industry to eventually be a personal trainer/coach.

What I noticed over those years of training and working out ever since 2010, it all sourced from my mental state. I was unhappy with what I looked like and that resorted to negative approaches towards the way I trained by doing tons & tons of cardio and little to no weight training, attempted fad diets such as intermittent fasting, grew this envy towards dudes that fit way better in skinny jeans and tank tops than I did, and restricted myself from foods and activities that I enjoyed when I was a kid.

It took years of unlearning and gradually shifting the perspective towards a much healthier lifestyle and I hope to continue to help and share to individuals that currently deal with body dysmorphia that you will overcome it and you are not alone!

Gratification Journal

Make it a goal to write at least 5 things that you're grateful for the next 30 days. Try to make it less materialistic and see how many things you have in your life that make you happy.

Build on Community

Again, you're not alone! There's many people that deal with this and it's very common in the fitness industry. You'd be surprised, even the most influential fitness content creators may be dealing with it as well. Talk about it with friends and people that you can trust. You will be heard and the right people will listen.

Here are a few lessons that I've learned over the years of training and what has helped me overcome body dysmorphia:

  1. How you feel > how you look. By building a whole sustainable system of having the 80/20 rule with my diet (where I eat 80% of my meals that are nutritious throughout majority of the week and 20% of my meals/snacks to enjoy myself). This has definitely changed the way I feel because I realized that eating foods that tasted good in the moment did not make me feel good a few hours later (major bloating, feeling lethargic, etc.). In regards to exercising consistently, the way I feel after a workout never fails and over time, I've felt more energized. The perks of having both in rotation is that because you consistently workout and eat properly, your body composition starts to change and you start to reap the benefits of a lean build.
  2. It all comes from within. The thoughts, perceptions, and opinions of others can affect the way we see ourselves because of validation and reassurance. All that should not matter AT ALL. You have the power to accept those ideologies or believe that they don't mean sh*t at all. Tell yourself constantly and out loud; "I am grateful for a healthy body; I will be able to reach my goal body in due time; I am stronger than I think." These are just examples but whatever makes you feel good, manifest it and believe it.
  3. Comparison kills personal growth. Social media platforms such as Instagram, Tik Tok, & Youtube have their pros and cons. The things that go through my mind when I see someone whose build is what I strive for but you have to put things into perspective. They have such unique and way different lifestyle than you do. Everyone has their own path, their own successes and challenges. Stop comparing yourself and assess how you can be your better yourself.

Trust the process and keep at it with your goals! If you need clarification on how to get to your fitness goals in a much timely manner, schedule a free consultation with me and I'll gladly help guide you on fulfilling those needs.

Watch this!

One of my favorite Youtube content fitness creators, Will Tennyson, talks about his views on body dysmorphia. Click below to watch!


Book a FREE consultation with Coach Tony to discuss fitness goals and to definitively plan what next steps to take in order for you to achieve them!