Setting Goals for the Ultimate Reward

Why does goal setting matter?

Why does goal setting matter?

I used to not believe in goal setting. I used to think that some higher being had everything planned for me and I didn't have to necessarily work as hard. This needed to change because I noticed over time that nothing big & life changing was happening.

What I did next would either make or break it for me...

Over the past 4 years, I started to realize that my choices affected my results, whether they were rewards or consequences.

Ever since then, I've implemented goal setting. This has helped me personally & professionally and I believe it can help you too.


Long Term & Short Term Goal Setting

First, I like to set what my ultimate reward is aka your long term goal. For example, this ultimate reward can be the "prize winner" or your concept of "$1 billion dollars".

You can achieve getting to that point but what sets you apart from that end goal are your short term goals (weekly, monthly, yearly).

These short term goals are the key in reaching your end goal.

So how should you set the right goals for your success?

Setting the Proper Goals

A 'How To' on Setting SMART Goals

SMART stands for

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Realistic
  • Timely

Specific - your goal can't be vague because if it's vague, then the action won't be effective

For example; I want to sleep early versus I want to sleep at 10pm for the next 7 days this week.

Measurable - you need to be able to measure the goal (length of time/duration, number of servings, etc.) to know how well and successful you were on reaching it

For example; I need to drink water everyday versus I need to drink 64 oz every day this week.

Achievable - you have to be well-equipped and prepared. If you don't have the necessary tools, I guarantee you that goal may not be achieved

For example; if you want to be able to run a marathon successfully, you may need to start with small, shorter runs first to be able to understand your pace, exertion of energy, etc. Eventually once you get the gist of it, inch your way closer to running longer distances to be able to reach close to marathon-length runs.

Realistic - this goal can't be out of the ordinary and has to pertain within your goal's nature

For example; if you want to get better at reading consistently, watching TV won't help. You need to get yourself in front of book and a book of your interest.

Timely -  your goal has to be performed within a timely manner for accountability. If there's no time set on the goal, the momentum of starting will eventually die out. I'd recommend setting your goal(s) to be done within a week, month, or year.

The Rewards System

Giving Yourself Your Own Reward

It's important to receive a reward because it's in our nature to feel good after performing a hard task.

For example, when you do a job that's physically and mentally demanding, that 'reward' would be rest and recovery.

Another example would be receiving praise or given a a bonus from your boss when you performed well on a recent project.

These are both different types of rewards but are both positive and rewarding. The result makes you feel good.

That's why you need to set a reward system. Train and treat yourself after completing challenging goals because you deserve it.


In your Notes App or journal,

Set 5 goals for the month that you can accomplish (within SMART Goals Criteria listed above) and set 3 goals every week that can help you get to reaching those goals.

Send an email back on those 5 goals for the month and we can discuss how you can go about reaching them.

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Book a FREE consultation with Coach Tony to discuss fitness goals and to definitively plan what next steps to take in order for you to achieve them!