Sink or Swim

When life becomes overwhelming, sometimes it's hard to keep track of everything you have built up at this point.

Sink or Swim

When life becomes overwhelming, sometimes it's hard to keep track of everything you have built up at this point. You were so good at one point; being on top of your workouts, diet, sleep, water, mindfulness, getting your steps in, etc.

Now it feels as if you can barely get your workouts in and get good enough sleep and social gatherings are happening every weekend.

Well, it doesn't have to be like how it used to be before because...


Nothing ever becomes the same unless YOU choose to keep it the same. And if your life gets busier, what are you going to do? Drop everything and go back to what you used to do before?

Well you know best & we ain't going back.

With this week's newsletter, I will provide you a few hacks on how to adjust to your new and current life without taking things that are good for you out of the mix.

Back to The Basics

Start with the non-negotiables. For example, my non-negotiables include:

  • Making time for workouts in my schedule. Before, I used to mainly chase the six-pack abs, the definition and size in my chest, shoulders, and back as well as neglect leg day; the whole shabang. What's crazy is that having been consistent in training for almost a whole decade, I make the time to get my training in because of how productive, happy, and energetic I feel and with this energy, I can provide the proper care and services to my clients as well as enjoy my own pastimes outside of that.
  • Getting ample amount of sleep. There's enough evidence and research out there to understand that to perform optimally through peak cognition and motor control, we need to get at least 7-9 hours (sleep time varies from male vs female). No doubt, I bet you've experienced this yourself but when you get less and, in some cases, more than the recommended time, we either feel not alert and just off. If you know you're stressed or restless throughout the day which is a common thing for most people, we have to dial back in on sleep. If it's been a minute, get new bed sheets, a new pillow, and since it's summer, invest in a high quality fan for you to sleep soundly.
  • Diet reset for each week. This has been something I've been more on top of and it plays such a key factor in recovery and satisfaction for cravings. I typically eat roughly the same stuff throughout the weekdays except for dinner where I have more freedom on what I make at home. If you don't like cooking, you have got to learn one way or another. You save on excess calories, seeing & knowing exactly what you're putting in your body, and get the necessary nutrients your body needs compared to when you order take out. On top of that, you're saving tons of $$. Then when the weekends come around, I enjoy either 1-2 meals that would satisfy whatever cravings I go through. What I've learned is that once you've become consistent with this, those cravings subside and you can actually control it because of how your body has fully reset from excess nutrients you've unintentionally added over the past few months.


Out With the Old, In With the New

At this point, once you've made that change to adding those non-negotiables back, that's when you can start mitigating what can be added into your NEW system.

Understand new does not necessarily have to mean completely new, it's just a way to trick our brains in knowing that new is good and new will get us somewhere

When we buy a new car versus used, what typically has more value in it price-wise? The new one.

And if we keep that new car in its mint condition, it will not devalue as much as you think.

Think of this new system just like as your new car.

You've got to maintain it and take care of it because the more you do that, the car will run as smooth for as however long as possible.


Book a FREE consultation with Coach Tony to discuss fitness goals and to definitively plan what next steps to take in order for you to achieve them!