Sleep is NOT for the WEAK

What does a good night's rest really do for the body?

Sleep is NOT for the WEAK

What does a good night's rest really do for the body?

I use to not rely on much sleep when I was in college because my life revolved around dance and studying. I would sleep roughly around 6-7 hours and I thought it worked out fine but little did I know that there was a lot more happening to the body. I was also training 5-6 days out of the week with heavy weight training and cardio. What's worse was that not only did I not let my body do its job of maintaining its integrity, my skin, specifically my facial skin, was not the greatest. I'd have breakouts on breakouts which affected my confidence and self-esteem.

Nowadays, I value my sleep like a kid who loves candy. It keeps me a hunnit. I feel my best physically, mentally, & emotionally.

Matter of fact, research suggests that getting at least 7-9 hours of sleep per night can do wonders. You're probably wondering what goes on within the body when you sleep at night. Here's what happens:

  1. Muscles recover & regenerate during NREM. NREM stands for "non-rapid eye movement" and this happens a few hours after you fall asleep. Additionally, the longer you're asleep, the more your muscles are fully recovered with a proper diet.
  2. Hormones are released to promote tissue repair. Our body is made out of tissues and as for muscles, they are a specific tissue that needs repair after exercise. Without the body getting its ample sleep, hGH aka human Growth Hormone won't be released efficiently as well as anabolic hormones to supplement repair.
  3. Neuroplasticity occurs. Neuroplasticity is just a big word for the brain to develop neural connections based off what our body is adapting to via exericse, learning new information, etc. We need this to improve our overall understanding of literally everything our body translates from our external environment.
  4. Release of metabolic wastes. This is crucial for the brain and body to perform at its highest potential. Without sleep, this "waste" won't be disposed and will circulate within our system. Imagine not cleaning your house from clutter. That's exactly what's happening in your body. Clutter is building up with more waste than good.
  5. Reflexive pathways are being reinforced. Reflexes are unconscious and instinctive movements we do in our day-to-day like walking, sneezing, or coughing. This is mainly used as a survival mechanism and the type that can be highly useful in exercise.

Caffeine affects Deep Sleep

Caffeine is a widely used drug that can help us be awake and alert throughout the day. However, if consuming too much, this can negatively affect not only by the way we feel but also by the way we sleep. Be mindful of the amount you take! Anything more than 300mg a day can be more than detrimental long term.

Invest in Good Sheets

I'm assuming that you've been in a hotel room but you know when the first time you lay on the bed and the feeling is always the most comforting because of how high quality those sheets are. Look into investing in good sheets and you'll be coming home to quality sheets every night.

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Santa Ana, CA 92703

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"7 Benefits of Sleep for Exercise Recovery"

"Sleep and muscle recovery – Current concepts and empirical evidence"

"Effects of caffeine on sleep quality and daytime functioning"


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