Standing on Bidness

How often do you typically sit on average per day of the week? Would you say 6-8 hours more or less? If so, then there is something you need to know.

How often do you typically sit on average per day of the week? Would you say 6-8 hours more or less? If so, then there is something you need to know.

In 2017, a study was performed across about 450 Iranian workers on the effects of prolonged sitting in their work desk. They used a Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (NMQ) to depict their symptoms. Also, they had averaged around 6+ hours of sitting within an 8-hour work day and the results were not surprising.

By the end of it, the study showed that almost 50% of those workers felt uncomfortable working at their desk and almost 75% were fatigued throughout their shift. Additionally, the neck, low back, and shoulders were the most common problem areas based on the NMQ. Just as an overall result of this study, these workers felt more tired, were dissatisfied with their job, and had major issues throughout their body.

I would most likely assume that you may fall under this type of environment or closely similar to it. However, there are ways to counteract on these effects.


Mobility is Key


When including mobility in our workouts, you're allowing your body to move as how it should via loosening up your musculature, fascia, & joints. I like to incorporate many mobility/dynamic stretches before and sometimes even after my workouts.

Here are several mobility stretches that may benefit you if you are a person that sits more throughout the day:

  1. Cat Cow Stretch; helps with protraction & retraction of the shoulder blades and promotes Thoracic spinal movement
  2. Thread the Needle; another way to supplement T-spine mobility contributing towards rotational movement
  3. Wipers; addresses the lower trunk with rotational movement and stretches the QL muscles when switching from one side to the other
  4. Weighted Adductor Stretch; with the use of a weight, this focuses on the inner thigh/groin muscles and promotes a deeper stretch
  5. Child's Pose; helps with decompression of muscles throughout the whole back of your body, even lessening nerve irritation.
  6. Cobra Stretch; stretches out the abdominal region and front hip region

Additional Tips


Try to sneak in a walk throughout your day on your breaks from work. These are simple yet a crucial thing to get the body moving!

Set Timers

We may forget to do any types of movement when you're deep within your work. Set timers so that you don't let your body stay in one position all day.

Wrists Need Love Too

You use your hands & wrists literally the entire day so shake out your wrists and stretch them as well!


"What are the risks of too much sitting?"

"Adverse Effects of Prolonged Sitting Behavior on the General Health of Office Workers"


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