The Significance of Personal Records

The Significance of Personal Records

The Significance of Personal Records

When I was a kid, I always had this curiosity of who did what on the Guinness Book of World Records. Just record breaking moments and for it to be seen by not just the person themselves doing it on their own but in front of the whole world. Can you believe that?

That had also had me thinking, what about the people who have set world records or even personal records on their own but they themselves never recorded it? It seems as though it just never happened.

With this week's newsletter, I wanted to provide why it is so crucial to track and record your own personal records aka " PRs ".

Personal Records Set a New Baseline

Setting a baseline is what I usually start off with clients. This is sort of like setting the tone for where you are currently at with your current fitness level and how much effort is needed to get to the newer level. If you haven't set any PRs lately, I'd suggest to do that on your next workout.

Witnessing Progress & Success

When you finally hit a new PR, it gets you more determined to hit the next PR. Over time, you can see how much progress you make when you set these PR days 30 days apart from one PR to the next.

They Hold You Accountable

If you don't train with a coach/trainer, who else will keep you accountable? Your personal records will because you will be more inclined to stick your program and stay consistent each week to be able to hit the next PR. It's all about small progress each day, 1% better each day.

In your Calendar App,

Set a day where you have 1-Hour length of a workout & perform any PRs, whether that'd be:

  • 1 Rep Max's aka 1RM; be sure you have either a spot or you are completely comfortable and well-prepared for this!
  • As Many Reps As Possible aka AMRAPS
  • Time-based exercises like holding up a plank, Isometric Split Squat, Hollow Body Holds, etc.

There are ton of various assessments but only perform ones that relate to your fitness goals.


I'd love to see how much improvement you've made in these next 30 days.


Book a FREE consultation with Coach Tony to discuss fitness goals and to definitively plan what next steps to take in order for you to achieve them!