Why Not Having All The Answers is Actually a Good Thing

Don't have all the answers?

When we were brought into this world as a newborn, we experienced it fresh with literally no past experiences or from any past life things to utilize. We moved how we wanted to and allowed our body & brain to do its thing. Eventually as we started to grow into a toddler, we were able to talk, walk, eat, and sleep not because we learned it ourselves but because of how our parents and caregivers allowed us.

Within a matter of time, we were able to do things on our own.

It's okay to not have all the answers and here's why;

An Opportunity for Growth

Not having all the answers means you are open to...

LEARNING. We as individuals are always perceiving things everyday. What we see, things we listen to, what we touch/feel, etc. However, to learn is to embrace each moment. When everything starts to become routine, sometimes we might lean more into auto-pilot. Although going in auto-pilot can help at times, it's when information is given to us where learning and being present matters most.

DISCOVERY. If we don't have a solution to a specific thing we are trying to solve in a given moment, this is where discovery comes in. You eventually will find a solution and figure it out. In fact, you learn more while doing so.

CURIOSITY. Being curious is a really good trait to have. Why? It's because you're hungry and willing to figure things out rather than giving up and quitting. Being curious leads to asking questions and helps you understand things from different perspectives.

CREATIVITY. The key thing about creativity is that there is no wrong in it. When artists create their artwork, they create with no limitations and have no formula in doing so. However, the beauty of what the brain does is that it will eventually want some sort cohesiveness. That's when one action leads to another and those actions are connected. More importantly, it's about trial & error. If it's something that you believe isn't working out, you can try again like an artist does to a blank canvas – beginning again with a clean slate.

COLLABORATION. Have you ever walked into a grocery store that you've never been to and try to find where a specific product was on your own? I bet you more so likely would go thru every aisle and assume that it my be at a certain location in the store. I hope you don't do this because if you do, you would be wasting your precious time. What would be a better idea is to ask a worker where they typically would walk you to the aisle of where the product is located, saving you time and energy.

This is why it's good to have people who specialize in their work or whoever is closest to it because it saves you those 2 essential things we need to get through the day and ultimately, our lives.


The thing with this is we came into the world with not knowing a thing and now we are able to do things all on our own. That is why it's okay to not know everything because we eventually learn, discover, become curious, create, and collaborate and that leads us to vital information we'd want know.


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