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5 star review
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“Never really having any kind of workout routine before, I knew home workouts, YouTube videos, and buying a gym pass would only take me so far. I wanted to take my health, diet, & exercise more seriously. The thought of personal training was super nerve wrecking, but I am so glad I decided to kick off my fitness journey by training with Tony.

Since Day 1, Tony helped me be build a strong foundation & understanding of the mechanics of each exercise. What I found extremely beneficial with Tony as my trainer is that he is strategic with each session. He helped make sure my form was there, but also identified any muscle imbalances and made modifications to target these weaker areas. I feel so much stronger & more attuned with my body.

I am beyond grateful to have trained with Tony. He is both knowledgeable & encouraging. If you’re looking for a push towards a better & stronger version of you, check out Tony & LEVELS TRAINING!”